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Coalition Response to FY2025 Final State Budget

Albany, New York—The Healthy School Meals for All NY Kids coalition—a group of more than…
Healthy School Meals for All News

NY must close the school meals gap for students and families in the Hudson Valley

As the map makes clear, there is more work to be done to ensure kids…
farm to table school lunch
New Report: Decline in New York School Meals Participation
Healthy School Meals for All News
Healthy School Meals for All advocates urge action
The Capitol Connection – Krista Hesdorfer from Hunger Solutions New York
Another Voice: Universal school meals must be included in this year’s state budget
Commentary: Many kids are still forced to choose: Go hungry at school or rack up debt
N.Y. lawmakers renew push for universal free school meals

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We are advocating for New York to establish and fund Healthy School Meals for All in the FY2025 state budget.

Learn more about the budget process and how you can get involved.